Students from Warsaw visit KBA Radebeul

German-Polish knowledge exchange
Students from the press technology faculty (ZTP) at the institute of machinery and print which belongs to the Warsaw University of Technology took part in an educational trip organised by KBA CEE from 25 to 27 May.

The focus of the excursion was the KBA sheetfed offset plant in Radebeul as well as trips to Rapida users in Poland and Germany. Along with a tour of Mondi SCP's Slovakian site, this visit is expected to breathe life into the partnership between ZTP and KBA CEE as well as Mondi Paper Sales which began last year.

The students from ZTP were welcomed to KBA by Paweł Krasowski, Jörg Henkel and Grzegorz Szymczykowski (1)
Grzegorz Szymczykowski, sales and service director at KBA CEE, and Paweł Krasowski, responsible for technical sales support and marketing at KBA CEE, welcomed the students to the plant. KBA sales manager Jörg Henkel then gave an overview of key events in the company's history and presented the day's sheetfed offset agenda. He also spoke about key innovations from Radebeul. Product manager Dr Roland Reichenberger talked about solutions to increase printing speeds and optimise press productivity. Product manager Simona Jurk then held a presentation on quality assurance and measuring technology. The students viewed high-quality finishing samples, some of which were produced inline live on a Rapida 106 after the presentation.

The students were also treated to a packaging printing demo with textured coating effects on a six-colour Rapida. The experts from KBA CEE presented automation solutions, such as nonstop pile logistics and QualiTronic Professional for inline quality control. Maps of the world were printed on a five-colour Rapida 106 with an output of 20,000sph. Following a tour of the assembly halls, the students were shown further finishing effects, such as micro embossing and cold-foil finishing. They also compared HR-UV and LED-UV curing samples from another medium-format Rapida.

The visitors had the opportunity to see presses from Koenig & Bauer live in action at two printing houses. The students watched the production of POP/POS systems, displays and posters in extra-large format on several Rapida 205s at Ellerhold in Radebeul and cutting-edge packaging production on presses from the Rapida 106 and 145 series at Karton Pak in Nowa Sól. The visitors were amazed by the high level of automation in packaging production, which comprises all manufacturing areas as well as logistics, storage and dispatch.