ONYX 18.5 takes print production to the next level as the first RIP solution with APPE 5.1

ONYX 18.5 software, the latest version release of the company’s wide- and grand-format RIP software

ONYX 18.5 software, the latest version release of the company’s wide- and grand-format RIP software will at Sign & Digital UK 2019! ONYX 18.5 software builds upon the award-winning ONYX 18 version, taking print production to the next level with the distinction of being the first wide-format RIP solution with Adobe PDF Print Engine 5.1 (APPE 5.1). With APPE 5.1, users benefit from the latest technological advancements for complete design-to-print workflows including high impact color rendering, smoother edges for graphics, enhanced Unicode support; plus support for PDF 2.0 features such as black-point compensation, half-tone origin, special data for spot colors, and page-level output intent.