Last updateSat, 26 Sep 2020 7pm

3M Color-Commissioned Survey Indicates 90% of Americans Still Seek Better Display Quality in Their Electronic Devices

Ninety percent of Americans surveyed have come to expect significant technology upgrades when purchasing next-generation LCD electronic devices, such as mobile phones, notebook PCs, tablets and LCD TVs, according to a recent survey commissioned by 3M. Specifically, the company's survey sheds light on the latest electronic tech trends that will impact consumers' daily life in 2015 and beyond.

Consumers More Likely to Buy Products that are Highly "Gendered" Says University of Miami Study

Consumers are more likely to buy products that are highly "gendered" – whether masculine or feminine – than they are to buy products that are not as "gendered" according to a new study from the University of Miami School of Business Administration. The study, in the April 2015 issue of Psychology & Marketing, found that consumers place a higher value on products that have been assigned a gender using aesthetic attributes like color, texture, weight and tone. For instance, if a product appears more "female" - shiny, smooth, colorful and light-weight- or "male" - angular and bulky with a dull texture- a shopper is more likely to perceive it as more functional and is more likely to buy it.

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