Last updateSat, 26 Sep 2020 7pm

New Moasis™ Geo-Grid Display Platform for Mobile Advertising Readied for Use by Businesses at Summer Olympics in London

Advertising Platform Allows Geo-Targeting of Consumers through Mobile Devices

Moasis™, which this week launched a unique geography-based platform for mobile advertising, is making its solution available in London for SMBs and other advertisers that want to reach the 600,000-plus visitors anticipated at the Summer Olympics.

For businesses with locations near Olympic venues in and around London, the Moasis Geo-Grid™ Display Platform can deliver ads, content, coupons or other promotions to potential customers while they are nearby. Working through ad exchanges, the Moasis Geo-Grid Display Platform reaches any Internet-connected and location-enabled devices: phones, tablets, laptops, streaming video and audio services, cable TV, transit system signage, digital billboards and more.

With Moasis, businesses targeting Olympics attendees, athletes and event workers simply select "London" in the Moasis rules engine and get started. A local clothing store might, for instance, target people in and around the Olympic Aquatic Centre venue with a coupon for a discounted London-themed handbag or bathing suit. If the advertiser does not know the specific location of the Olympics aquatic events, he or she can simply type, "Aquatic" and Moasis will provide recommended areas, or "cells" for the ads.

While the Moasis Geo-Grid Display Platform is currently undergoing Beta testing in the United States, "We wanted to extend our Geo-Grid Display Platform to London for the Olympics because companies can cost-effectively test its capabilities while significantly increasing their potential business during perhaps the biggest sporting event of the decade," explained Ryan Golden, Moasis Chief Executive Officer.

By connecting with consumers while they are in the vicinity of a business, Moasis provides businesses – from SMBs to large, national chains -- the opportunity to achieve remarkable results with fixed advertising budgets and to more effectively compete within a given geographic location. Moasis uses a "bid-to-grid" and "pay per impression" model to secure advertising. Ads stay up until the cell is outbid by another advertiser or until the number of impressions for the allocated budget has been reached.

The London Summer Olympiad XXX runs from July 27 through August 12.


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