Last updateSat, 26 Sep 2020 7pm

StrandVision Digital Signage Extends its Electronic Digital Media Player to Screensavers and Websites

Electronic signage content can be quickly added to Internet and intranet websites as either a home page or as a dynamic, constantly-updated embedded frame...

StrandVision Digital Signage today announced four display options that extend its electronic signage to companies' and organizations' Web and internal computer networks, including tablet and cell phone screens.

Optimized for both employee and external communication, the Web extensions take advantage of StrandVision's cloud service to enable StrandVision Digital Signage customers to extend their electronic signage programming to additional digital media outlets.
Using simple copy and paste applets, administrators can insert dynamic up-to-the-minute information in websites, emails or social media sites without having to constantly load new Web pages. Subscribers can show the same text, images, weather and news that run on their regular StrandVision Digital Signage displays in their corporate lobbies or employee break rooms, or independently show a completely different set of pages over the Web.
Each of these options facilitates employee communication and business marketing messaging. They bring important messaging directly to employees' offices and mobile systems – even reaching associates who seldom or never visit office locations. The Web extensions can also reach customers and prospects with timely, easily updated messaging.
"These features are great ways to increase communication timeliness, consistency and efficiency both internally and with external audiences," said Mike Strand, StrandVision founder and CEO. "We recognize that digital signage is an important business marketing component in our subscribers' communications mix, which can be extended cost-effectively – free, actually – beyond their traditional physical signage network. We are sure that these add-ons will be attractive to our subscribers."
The extensions include:
Home Page Display – The Home Page applet allows StrandVision signage to be displayed on all designated computers or cell phones as the default home page or as a selectable bookmark or favorite based on administrator or end-user preference. The Home Page option works with any Web browser that supports Adobe flash.
Embedded Web Frame – The Web frame is another administrator-selectable applet that places the streaming StrandVision Digital Signage directly into an internal or public webpage, or even embedded into most social media walls. The administrator simply copies and pastes the link from StrandVision and it is automatically inserted into a frame on the website. The Web pages then display all of the same information that is shown on the digital signage display screens or the separate custom program in real-time.
Screen Saver – Another administrator selection, the applet does just what it says – it enables idle individual computer screens to default to the digital signage page display whenever the screen saver becomes active.
Share Electronically – This feature allows administrators to instantly share a link to the streaming signage with anyone via email, chat, text message or other instant messaging medium.
These features join StrandVision's other free digital signage integration tools. including the ability to present Quick Response (QR) codes on digital signage displays that can be scanned to take viewers to informational or promotional websites; and the ability to collect, format and display frequently updated Web pages, such as transportation schedules and traffic, on StrandVision Digital Signage displays.
StrandVision subscribers simply select any or all of these electronic signage display options on their StrandVision portal Content Management System (CMS). Administrators can incorporate, email or text them to IT, network or Web administrators, or end users, as appropriate.


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